Happy New Year

The clock struck 12
And the people cheered
Another day
Another New Year

We feel hope in the air
As we sing Auld Lang Syne
Another year of possibilities
To strengthen and renew the mind

The gyms will be full tomorrow
Because the ads tell us “go”
You have to hate your body
The commercials told you so

The lights disappear
The tree is taken down
Credit card companies smile
While the rest of us frown

We go back to work
We go back to school
After such warm holiday memories
It almost seems cruel

So as we prepare to hunker down
For another crazy year
I wish you all joy and love

Thank you for reading my blog! I hope your year is filled with love, light, and peace. May angels watch over you and your family this year as we do the best we can at any given moment. And if your holidays were not so grand, I give you an extra dose of love and hugs from me to you.